In some relationships or when couples are dating there could be a few flags that you need to look out for . Sometimes in relationships we see everything is "fine" and may not notice there is things wrong unless someone may point something out to you ..... you may realise yourself or it might not even be noticed until the relationship has come to an end and you think about all the things that actually may not be as great as you thought !!!!
Here is just a few things to look out for in a toxic relationship
Humiliating you in front of others
Violation of trust
Using fear with looks
Destroying property
Mind games
Threats made or carried out
Here is a few things to look out for in a positive relationship
Admits mistakes when they are wrong
Communicates openly and truthfully
Support each others needs
Valuing opinions
Being understanding
Accepting change
Making decisions together
Being kind to each other
These are just a few examples of toxic v healthy relationships. A healthy relationship is where we can be ourselves and feel safe and secure however on the other hand a toxic relationship is where we do not feel safe or secure or be ourselves .