I always say to my clients that it is impossible to completely switch off your feelings and emotions straight away after a break up , However there are things to help !!! There is no magic wand that will make you feel better straight away and the only person that can make things better is actually YOU !!!!.
You have to ask yourself ... do I want one person to make me feel like this ? Or one person to make me think that my future will never be the same again ? Yes your future will be different but it has not come to an end or a stop . That one person cannot make you feel unhappy for the rest of your life because you are stronger than that !! Yes you will hurt very much at first but then as time goes by things will eventually fall back into place and you will be settled and accept what has happened .
When a relationship ends everyone always thinks of the best memories and times that they had together. Sometimes we also have to think about the not so nice memories to make us realize was it as great as what we actually thought ?? Our feelings will attach us to things we miss or things we remember but sometimes we have to let this go because we know deep down the relationship has come to an end.
Things we could do to make our feelings feel better
- Try not to tell too many people about your story as this brings up more heart ache for yourself
- Feel your rooms with bright colours and remove old pictures (maybe pictures of you and your ex )
- Wear a bright nail varnish to remind you that your strong
- Find yourself new hobbies or a new skill
- keep yourself busy and motivated
- Daily exercise and some fresh air !!
Your feelings and emotions will be all over the place somedays you may feel fine and others you just want to cry . My advice for now is too take one day at a time and let things fall back in to place gradually and surround yourself with good listeners and people to always speak too !!