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Sharing celebrations with an ex partner

Sometimes parents have to take it turns on having their children especially on occasions like birthdays , Christmas,summer holidays ,Easter and the list could go on . But the question is how do you deal with these emotions? You may feel angry and upset and not sure what you are going to do ? I would like to help you .

We automatically want to cry and maybe just pretend that certain events will never happen, however sometimes we need to flip the situation and think of the positive !! For example what could be good about your son or your daughter going away for Christmas or their birthday? Many of my clients would say "nothing Holly" however if I say just think of one little thing....... How about that you could have a lie in one day or you may be able to watch your own television for the week or weekend . Or it could mean that you get to spend time with a friend or a family member or even just focus on yourself and have a little break away!!. (after lock down)

If we only focus on the negative then we will stay negative but if we can think of positive then we are going to feel a lot better . The Christmas just gone was the first time my son was going away for Christmas for the very first time . When he arrived back we celebrated his Christmas on a different day . Just because everyone celebrates Christmas on the 25th December doesn't mean you have to !! we had presents and a Christmas dinner and even Santa Claus visited us again !! See you can flip your situation and create your new memories .... This can also be done on birthdays and other celebrations .

love Holly

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