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Tips For Lock down

I just wanted to make a small blog for some tips whilst being on lock down .......

I feel that over the last few weeks there has been panic , fear , worry an increase of anxiety for some people and overall a bit scared of the not knowing what is happening . However I just wanted to share some ideas that may help us through our journey together and see its positives instead of all the negative and sad stories that we keep hearing ,

Firstly I would just like to take a minute and ask you when have you ever stopped and just had time to appreciate what you have right in front of you ? Our lives are always ran by time ... meaning "oh we need to be there at this time ," what time is the meeting ? "lunch is at 1pm" Most of the time we have structured lives because yes we do like some routine however what if that all suddenly just stops ... like it has ? At first we panic and we are not sure what we are suppose to be doing . This situation has made us use our imaginations and create activities that we don't normally have time for .I have heard some of my friends /family say " I am going to be so bored" However we then start to think what we could do instead of what we used to do before the lock down because thats all we can do at this moment in time .

My personal experience with lock down has quite surprised me as normally I am always on the go !! We have no choice to stop so instead i thought to myself what can be done in this time ? I thought long and hard and thought well my two year old needs to be potty trained so that is what i am doing !!! I also want to read that book that I haven't got round too yet !!!

Here are some more ideas to keep you busy

- new recipe

- New skill learnt online

- learning a new language

- cleaning your entire house

- painting your house

- Gardening

- spending time with your children and creating new activities for them

- Family board games

- arts and crafts

- stone and pebble painting

- Exercising daily in your routing in your garden or living room .

We also need to think daily of what we are grateful for things like

- we have a roof over our heads

- food on the table

- clothes

- friends /family

I do believe that a lot of us will change after this and become different people . I hope that we will be more thankful for things and be grateful for what we take for granted every single day

Let us be strong together and when this is all over we can look back and remember that this was a lesson for all of us and talk about what we learnt on our journeys

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