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When children are involved in a separation

A break up is difficult and having children involved can be even harder at times . Children can adapt to transition well as long as it is completed effectively. You may be in the process where you have just split from your ex and you don't know what to tell your children ? Or you may be at the stage where your children are feeling confused and you are trying to work out what is best for the child or children . What ever stage you are at all you want is whats best for your child . You may of been the one that got left by your ex partner or you may have left them .... however this is not the child's fault on whoever made that decision . Children can sometimes get stuck in the middle and the only thing you and your ex now have in common is your child and sometimes any pain or anger has to be pushed to the side so your child doesn't get confused or anxious . The transition needs to be made as easiest as possible and the child can also know that even if mummy and daddy doesn't love each other anymore that they love them very much and that will never change . Books can be brought to tell stories to the younger children about living at mummy's or daddy's house and it can sound quite exciting for the children for example there is different toys at mummy's and daddy's house . We want to make it more exciting then negative as this is when the child may get worried or uncertain so we want to make the transition as nice as possible for them . Your child may get excited to go and see your ex because it is their mum or dad so one way it could help them looking forward to there weekend away is help them pack or wish them a lovely time away . All of these positive remarks to your child will keep them happy and will make things a lot

more easier for you and your child . We have to always remember to turn any negatives to a positive and if you always remember this it will take you quite far in your journey

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