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Your network

When you have had a break up your network is your key . What I mean by key is that its one of the things that keeps you going . The people that make you feel better or helps you to smile again and also most importantly helps you rebuild your life . Here is a list of people that could be in your network

- Your family

- A good friend that listens

- A friend that you go dancing with for a good night out

- A gym buddy

- Councillors

- Divorce coach

- Your local nail salon

- Hairdressers

- Your doctor ( If needed)

All of these people could be in your network and to have these people is in your life is great . These are the people that will make you feel better and also keep you busy !! You will have a focus whether that be you have to meet your gym buddy every day for a run at the gym at 8pm or your having a catch up with your friend at a local coffee shop ,all of these things will get you out of your house and will also be a time for you to focus on something else rather then your breakup . Keep your network around you and this is a great stepping stone to help you rebuild your life .

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